import { Input, Component } from'@angular/core';@Component({ selector:'ngbd-alert-closeable', templateUrl:'./alert-closeable.html'})exportclassNgbdAlertCloseable { @Input()public alerts:Array<IAlert> = [];constructor() {this.alerts.push({ id:5, type:'primary', message:'This is a primary alert', }, { id:6, type:'secondary', message:'This is a secondary alert', }, { id:1, type:'success', message:'This is a success alert', }, { id:4, type:'danger', message:'This is a danger alert', }, { id:3, type:'warning', message:'This is a warning alert', }, { id:2, type:'info', message:'This is an info alert', }, { id:7, type:'light', message:'This is a light alert', }, { id:8, type:'dark', message:'This is a dark alert', }); }publiccloseAlert(alert:IAlert) {constindex:number=this.alerts.indexOf(alert);this.alerts.splice(index,1); }}exportinterfaceIAlert { id:number; type:string; message:string;}
For more information about options, check the Ng-Bootstrap
Alert With Link
<ngb-alert type="dark" [dismissible]="true">
A simple alert with <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="alert-link">an example link</a>. Give it
a click if you like.