Customize Vertical Menu

Add, Edit and Delete a Vertical Menu

To customize the vertical menu for layouts you would need to go to:

src / app / layouts / {specific-layout} / navigation / navigation.model.ts

In this model file, you can change the json object to customize the menu items.

There are three type in Vertical Menu

  1. Group

  2. Collapse

  3. Item


    id: 'id of the menu',
    title: 'Title of the menu',
    translate: 'Translation Key',
    type: 'group',
    icon: 'icon of the menu',
    children: [..submenu items..]


    id: 'id of the menu',
    title: 'Title of the menu',
    translate: 'Translation Key',
    type: 'collapse',
    icon: 'icon of the menu',
    children: [..submenu items..]


    id: 'id of the menu',
    title: 'Title of the menu',
    translate: 'Translation Key',
    type: 'item',
    icon: 'icon of the menu',
    url: 'route url'

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